
20130711-193339.jpg 20km mark has been passed! As the clock passes 19:30, and we still have about 10 km left, the celebration and relaxation at the auberge in Saint-Privat-d’Allier must wait yet another hour or so. 20130711-193347.jpg


20 km mark. In a place with a ballbusting name.


Kari og Knut goes France!

Parents away, now three days in Frankfurt, waiting for the Interrail-tickets to activate. Kari is on the job on acquiring a place for the night.



Oppdatering 1. August

  • Middagsservise – Wedgewood, pinstripe (Bache i Grensen, Glasmagasinet)
  • Seilekurs
  • Vin (titler bare hint om retning, alt
    • Gjerne Sonoma / Napa og Sinfandel!
    • Côtes du Rhône (kjøtt)
    • Alsace, Sancere
    • Riesling
  • Dessertvin – Alt av interesse, eksempelvis
    • Sonoma/Napa Valley
    • Doppf-Irion Gewürstraminer
    • Eiswein
  • Kick ass balsamico eller tilsvarende
  • Fine glass, mikseglass/pitcher, barutstyr
  • Matbøker:
  • Moccamaster


Hei, venner, bekjente, familie og alle!

Oppdatering: Her er ønskelisten.

Joda, det er sant.

Molstad Sveen Selv om alt ikke er helt klart på denne snart informative siden enda, stemmer det at vi skal gifte oss.

Siden du har kommet til denne siden er sannsynligeheten også stor for at du er invitert! Velkommen, velkommen!

Alt er ikke heelt klart enda

Inviterer Karen har lovet at hun skal sette seg ned og tenke så det knaker i morgen, og jeg skal tenke så det knaker dagen deretter. Ikke for å be dere alle om å følge med i spenning på hva slags gaveaktige krumspring vi kan komme opp med, men om det skulle finnes noen tvil er det mulig denne siden kommer til å gi noen svar.

I mellomtiden bør dere jo så klart følge Kari og Knut på twitter siden dere sikkert er opptatt av å ha muligheten til å lese artige statusoppdateringer fra oss i tide og utide!

Svar utbedes


Mus og Pus

Recap fra Oregons ørken


Fant igjen dette panoramaet fra Oregons tørre stepper. Knut slapper av, Kari er på autopilot, musen sover i speedometerlavoen.

Day 18: Consequences

Things are getting kinda droopy.

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Day 17: Weather craze

And from 35°C, the temperature violently dropped when the whole sky fell down on New York City. Little did we know that the hailstorm looked like this from above (shot by Dahni Jones), and little did we know that this wet and kind of romantic “NYC feeling” would cause fires, power outages and destruction in and around Newark Airport, which again would create great delays and even airplane cancellations from the entire world. Butterfly effect? Oh yes!

Quote from the local news media:
Jersey Central Power & Light reported roughly 10,500 customers had no power Wednesday night, while about 9,600 PSE&G customers were without service. However, roughly half of PSE&G’s outages were caused by a traffic accident.

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DelayedLittle did we know that we’d be directly inflicted by this storm – not only by getting wet downtown and buying another umbrella, but by delaying our flight with 5 hours, 56 minutes and ticking.

Too late for coffeeIt’s soon 02:08 in the night, and our plane is supposed to take off, 6 hours and 8 minutes after schedule. Kari has run out of juice and I am closing in as well. Too bad. Our flight was finely tuned for 20 o’ clock, giving us the Best Possible sleep/wake Cyclus™ with a short, yet pretty natural night and a very early, yet pretty realistic morning. Now it is totally fucked; we’ll be departing late in the night, and arriving in the end of the day.

Oh well. Here comes jet lag.

America – it has been an interesting experience. See you soon!