About us

Kari - portrett BW.jpg


Director with a passion for storytelling, fashion, great food, literature and fun.



Director, ex-programmer, photographer with a passion for storytelling and old cameras. Also likes fun.

Kari og Knut goes East 2010

In 2010, Kari og Knut™ set off to Croatia. Armed with a an array of analog photographic equipment including a Pentax ME, Knuts beloved Leica M6, a Lomo Supersampler, and a camcorder, they set off from the highly touristy neighbourhood of Dubrovnik. KKGE Propaganda jun17

They got lost in the woods of Cetenje, traveled to Albania by taxi and Greece by bus, and everything was thoroughly documented. Wether they lay sleepless listening to loud Albanian eurodance in an apartment under construction, managed to get out of Montenegrian taxi-scams or roamed the streets of a Greek family-paradise after a place to sleep, the question that was risen the most was

“Where are we going… and why?”

Being a question of almost incomprehensible magnitude the days came and went. Kari and Knut pondered and discussed, but never managed to answer its in full. Never the less – as the trip continued towards its non-existing destination, *some* form of travelesque essence did emerge…

Soon coming as the worlds first traveling couple web series!

Kari og Knut VIG from bareForm on Vimeo.

Kari og Knut goes Japan 2011

Unfortunately, one year later they had forgotten what it was. Can you believe it?! So in the year 2011 when they finally were to realize their dream of going to the isle of Japan, the couple told me

Kari og Knut goes Japan“Why don’t we make one of them travel blogs to post our experiences and such and so forth? Perhaps we will understand it better then? And since it is the internets, perhaps other will too?”

But they didn’t know. Our favorite couple set that thought aside for later, and when they later were on their way and zooming along the coast of Japan, they wrote their first reflections and thoughts on traveling and posted it on the internet, things like considerations of third world problems during the plane-trip:

Oh, crap

Spotify $&@# somehow won’t activate. So ironically, I’m stuck with a quite interesting mix of:

  • Four mp3s of stock production music.
  • A post second world war speech by norwegian king Kong Haakon.
  • A stock recording of a hydroelectric power plant.

It’s so funny it hurts.
Tip: Don’t forget about your music and headsets. And if you use that streaming media thing – be sure to activate it / “go offline” before entering the plane!

>> Read More

It’s both funny and sounds like a pretty good tip if you ask me! Will save you a lot of aggrevation and trouble I’m sure. Or how about this?:

SIM-card and pricing

So, you are going to japan and you want to stay connected to the internet, perhaps upload some pictures and short blogposts and Facebook entries to envy your friends at home.

How do you do that?

>> Read More

I mean – who aren’t these days?! I highly advise you go read some more of this unique travel insight. Or of course, you could just jump to their newest expedition. It has EVERYTHING.

Kari og Knut goes USA! 2012

Let me break it down for you:

  1. It’s got a NEW and BIGGER location.
  2. It’s probably got MORE INTELLIGENT Kari and Knut.
  3. Kari og Knut now have MORE MONEY.
  4. They are going to travel LONGER than ever.
  5. The banner graphics now includes HORSES.

Of the 18 days, only the first 6 days and the last two days has been planned. That and the basic idea that they are going from Colorado to San Francisco by car. Sounds like the beginning of a good story? That’s because it probably is!

You can follow Kari og Knut on their Twitter account

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